Aftermath and other wars…

No doubt this new media was the beginning of a change in how the American people would see the news around them and around the world.  Mathew Brady was truly a pioneer of this time.  “Photography during the Civil War had a wide-reaching impact on the public’s perception on everything from their leaders to the nature of warfare.”  (Niiler, 2012) Fast forward to the next few wars and the people would see what would be called News Photography.   Newspapers and later news stations, hired people to sit in the trenches during war, move to foreign country’s in order to have the advantage of being on the front lines and capturing the scoop. 

World War I and II and the Korean War were captured using news reel, nearly all countries involved in these wars created Propaganda films to show to movie goers.  They were generally run prior to seeing the featured movie in movie theaters across the nation.  

This particular video explains what was behind the making of propaganda films, it is definitely enlightening to say the least.


Frank Capra’s “Why we fight” WWII Propaganda film

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